Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pinoy Joke: Filipino Vocabulary

1.Use TENACIOUS in a sentence.
I went to the shoe store to buy a pair of TENACIOUS.

2.Use DEDUCT, DEFENSE, DEFEAT, and DETAIL in a sentence.
DEDUCT jumped over DEFENSE, first DEFEAT and then DETAIL.

3.Use DEPOSIT in a sentence.
I hear dripping in the sink. I think DEPOSIT is leaking.

4.Use PERSUADING in a sentence.
Jack and Jill will be celebrating their PERSUADING anniversary.

5.Use DEVASTATION in a sentence.
Every morning I wait for the bus at DEVASTATION.

6.Use IRAQ, IRAN, and EGYPT in a sentence.
IRAQ is bigger than a stone. IRAN faster than my friend. EGYPT is smaller than a truck.

7.Use PAUL four times in a sentence.
PAUL, be carePAUL, you might PAUL in the PAUL.

8.Use CUISINE in a sentence.
I hope you studied last night because our teacher might give a CUISINE math.

9.Use SCHOOLING in a sentence.
Ring, ring.....Hello? Who SCHOOLING?

10.Use TOENAIL in a sentence
To get to Kaneohe, you must go through Wilson Toenail.

11.Use PENIS in a sentence.
Before my boy go outside and play, I tell him to PENIS his homework.

12.Use EMPIRE in a sentence.
Ready! EMPIRE!!!

13.Use DEFICIT in a sentence.
When I go to the pool, I check out how DEFICIT.

14.Use HOSTESS in a sentence.
Hello? Hello? HOSTESS?!!

P.S. If you don't understand this, you are not a true Filipino. (^_^)

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