Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ten Blonde Science Fair Projects

1) Are poisonous snakes really venomous?
2) Is lighter fluid flammable?
3) What hurts more: falling off a building, or a cliff?
4) Are knives sharp?
5) Can sharks hurt a human?
6) What happens if I stick my hand in a piranha aquarium?
7) Can I break my arm hitting it against a wall?
8) Can I eat broken glass and live?
9) Can dogs talk?
10) Are blondes really dumb?

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HotForWords said...

The answer to #2 is no.. lighter fluid is not flammable, it's inflammable! :-)

Brought to you by a blonde :-)



It is true inflammable and flammable are the same, but.......flammable is the newer most commonly used. And the fluid its self is NOT flammable only its fumes. It is true She is blonde and worth a look at for more insight into Blonde thinking....She discussing panties now and their origin.

Argon said...

Funny how you can insert almost any stereotype into that joke isn't it? But fairly harsh on them considering the consequences of those science projects.